Citywide 2015 Waterline Rehabilitation Project (Pittsburg): HEI designed this $2 million water system rehabilitation project located in three different areas of the City. The project involved over 8,000 linear feet of water main plus services to fronting residents. The design was developed without field surveys, based on aerial mapping, field investigations, and other mapping resources. Construction was completed in 2016.
Multi-Use Recreation Area and Field (San Francisco State University)
HEI prepared the Civil Design, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Drainage, Rain Garden Design, Water Line relocation and SWPPP for this 3 acre recreational facility on the SFSU campus. The project included restroom facilities, an artificial turf sports field, utility relocations and two large rain gardens for storm water bio-filtration.
Bethel Island Bridge Sewer Force Main (Ironhouse Sanitary District):
Harrison Engineering designed and prepared the PS&E for this sewer force main for Ironhouse Sanitary District in Oakley. This project involved demolishing an existing bridge and replacing it with a new bridge. HEI prepared the PS&E for the new sewer force main and utility vaults. The force main was 14” HDPE pipe encased in an 18” steel epoxy coated casing that hung on the new bridge. HEI designed the details for the pipe and appurtenances, including the hanger and cradle, according to Ironhouse Sanitary District standards.
Districts Way Undercrossing at BNSF Railway
HEI designed this $1.5m roadway undercrossing project, which constructed a railroad undercrossing, retaining wall, pump station and detention basin, multiple utility relocations, and State Route 4 intersection improvements. Work included relocation of multiple water mains to accommodate the realigned driveway. Water line work required relocation of a 10-inch and a 24-inch water line from Diablo Water District’s main treatment facility, which required the introduction of significant bends, thrust blocks, anchorage blocks, mechanical joints, and cathodic protection. The project won the APWA Northern California Chapter Project of the Year Award in 2008.
HEI designed this $1.5m roadway undercrossing project, which constructed a railroad undercrossing, retaining wall, pump station and detention basin, multiple utility relocations, and State Route 4 intersection improvements. Work included relocation of multiple water mains to accommodate the realigned driveway. Water line work required relocation of a 10-inch and a 24-inch water line from Diablo Water District’s main treatment facility, which required the introduction of significant bends, thrust blocks, anchorage blocks, mechanical joints, and cathodic protection. The project won the APWA Northern California Chapter Project of the Year Award in 2008.
Cosmo Avenue/Monterey Road Sewer Improvements (Morgan Hill): Harrison Engineering provided engineering design services for this sewer replacement project in the City of Morgan Hill. Prior to a flood control project that included widening a channel, the City needed to abandon an existing sewer main that was in conflict with the channel widening and install new sewer mains along four streets. HEI prepared the PS&E for this project for the abandonment of the existing main, the installation of the new sewer mains, and the new lateral connections for existing residences. HEI coordinated all the utility mapping in order to provide a complete picture of all existing utilities. HEI designed the new sewer mains per City standards. The sewer mains on two of the streets had to be designed to connect to a new main, which reversed the direction of flow.
Security Public Storage (Pittsburg): Harrison Engineering Inc. (HEI) completed the civil site design for this mini-storage facility on Harbor Court in the City of Pittsburg. The project involved relocation of a City owned water main as part of the site improvements related to the widening of State Route 4 in 2003. The 10-inch water line constructed was over 1100 linear feet and required connections for fire lines and hydrants required for the project. The project also involved utility coordination and connections for sewer, electrical and other utilities.